31 December 2011

Coming to a Close

As the year 2011 comes to a close and 2012 begins I must say that it has been quite an eventful year. Ups and downs has come my way from every angle that you hear from the books but without those experiences, I wouldn't have been able to grow and learn what my Heavenly Father knows I am capable of doing and can accomplish. I am truly grateful and have been blessed throughout the year 2011. My Kaylee Bear has an amazing first year and I was able to experience all her "first" with her: lifting up her head, sitting up, holding up her head, crawling, rolling over, laughing, smiling, cooing, waving hello, standing up,m walking and running. Kaylee Bear was able to celebrate a heap full of holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, New Years 2011, Valentines, Saint Patrick's, Mother's Day and Father's Day. I celebrated my 2nd year of marriage to my Hubby, Quentin, and although we were apart, we were able to talk on the phone to express our love to one another. We made a life changing move during 2011 by moving off Island to Kona. Although it was a change for me, I was able to adjust and trust in the Lord that everything will work out in the end. I found a GREAT job that I love--the Students are wonderful and the teachers are a blast! Quentin was able to find work that he is happy at and with people who treat him very well. Kaylee is growing up everyday and learning to do more things as she observes the world around her, talks to her family and explores the crooks and crannies of every thing she can walk in and get her hands on. I am not the perfect person but I know that this year has opened my eyes to what the world has to offer. I hope that the year 2012 will be just as adventurous, happy, blessed and joyful!
Lots of love from our Ohana to yours!

29 December 2011

One Year Later

My very first child is celebrating her very first birthday today! She is a one year old; lived for 365 days, 52 weeks or 12 months already! I cannot believe that time has gone by so fast. She is already walking, have 7 teeth and can say some phrases like "what's this!" She is truly a blessing from my Heavenly Father and I am so thankful to be her mommy. She will be celebrating her birthday with family & friends and we will be having a Care Bear themed party :) I love my Kaylee Bear and I hope you have a wonderful first birthday! Mommy & Daddy loves you tons!!

21 December 2011

Doggie Paradise

20 Dec 2011 is when our dearest Hoku left our world and move on to a bigger and better place. She has no more pain and will suffer no longer. We will truly miss her and keep her in our hearts always. She was a great dog given to us and we loved her the moment we saw her. She was the splitting image of Roxy, our Doberman. Oh how I will miss her warmth when she would snuggle with you as you went to sleep or relax on the couch. I will miss the pitter-patter of her little paws running in the house. But what I would truly miss is how loving she was to anyone and everyone! She was in a lot of pain before she past on due to age and her short legs but we know that she is in a better place with no pain or suffering. We imagine that she is in a place with an endless supply of pig ears and dog biscuits; she will be able to run around with Nightmare and Malia; she will be able to use the bathroom anywhere and everywhere and Postmen won't care if they got chased and bitten! We love you Hoku and please know that you will always and forever be in our hearts!

17 December 2011

Sandy Christmas

Kaylee was super excited on the plane ride to Oahu! She could not sit still. She looked out the window; talked to passender behind us, next to us and even in front of us; drank the complimentary juice & read the airline magazines. We are excited to be celebrating Christmas and the New Years with Grammie & Pop-pop but sadly we had to leave Daddy back in Kona because of work :( During our stay here we are planning to do things we are not able to do in Kona. Our adventures include eating Pho at our favorite resturant, exploring the mall, seeing the Honolulu City Lights and spending time with my family. Kaylee and I will also be able to see good friends be married for all time & eternity, celebrate her first birthday with a family BBQ and enjoy a Christmas party with the Zoo Animals! Kaylee has be having a blast the last 2 days, Grammie & Pop-pop are glad to have their Granddaughter to spoil & Laupesa just loves being with his Leelee!
I really hope the next two weeks go quite slow and we are able to enjoy our mini vacation at the moment...

06 December 2011

Such a Big Girl

Kaylee has grown up so much & so fast! I can't believe that in 23 days she'll be ONE! Time has gone by so fast & I wish would slow down just a little bit so that I can enjoy Kaylee being a baby. Pretty soon she'll master walking, talking and feeding herself. All too soon she'll be a toddler, young woman and then an adult. I must cherish the moments I have with Kaylee and try to jolt down everything about her and the milestones she'll accomplish.

05 December 2011

The Past Year

A lot of things has happened this year that Kaylee was able to experience. Some holidays that we were able to celebrate as parents were Mother's Day and Father's Day. We were also fortunate to celebrate holidays as a family which included Halloween, Thanksgiving and Easter. Kaylee was the most cutest Fairy on the block and she enjoyed every minute of it as Daddy pushed her in her stroller! She was too excited to take a nap during Thanksgiving as she ate turkey and stuffing. On Easter, which was spent at Grammie & Pop-pop's house, she was only 4 months old so she didn't understand the concept of finding eggs but Mommy & Daddy sure had fund helping her eat her Easter basket treats & watch her cousin, Laupesa, look for the hidden eggs for the both of them. Kaylee has been such a joy and is developing quite well for being a Premie baby. She has mastered holding her bottle, crawling, giving "stink eye" and playing patty cake. She is currently teaching herself to walk and does is quite well. We are sure that she'll be walking continually any time soon. She can say mama, dada, what that and oooh (when she drops something). I can't believe that 11 months has come and gone and Kaylee will be ONE come the 29th of this month. We are very excited to celebrate her first birthday with our family and friends.

Bundle of Joy!

Kaylee Ekahinani
Kobayakawa Sylva
29 December 2009
[ 5 lbs | 7.1 oz | 19 in ]

The newest addition to our family is such a great joy! She was a month early with her due date 30 Jan 2010 but we are happy nonetheless. It was an easy delivery and she was very healthy. Kaylee is such a beautiful child with her ethnicities of Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese and Caucasian. She looked just like her daddy and has the most beautiful signing voice :) Kaylee is truly a blessing and I thank the Lord for
having Him choose our family to raise and care for her. Quentin is an amazing father who looks out her and makes sure that she is taken care of. I hope I will be a good mother for her and nurture Kaylee and other kids we may have in the future. I now understand the meaning of loving a child the moment you meet them for the first time. Kaylee has truly stolen my heart.