A lot of things has happened this year that Kaylee was able to experience. Some holidays that we were able to celebrate as parents were Mother's Day and Father's Day. We were also fortunate to celebrate holidays as a family which included Halloween, Thanksgiving and Easter. Kaylee was the most cutest Fairy on the block and she enjoyed every minute of it as Daddy pushed her in her stroller! She was too excited to take a nap during Thanksgiving as she ate turkey and stuffing. On Easter, which was spent at Grammie & Pop-pop's house, she was only 4 months old so she didn't underst

and the concept of finding eggs but Mommy & Daddy sure had fund helping her eat her Easter basket treats & watch her cousin, Laupesa, look for the hidden eggs for the both of them. Kaylee has been such a joy and is developing quite well for being a Premie baby. She has mastered holding her bottle, crawling, giving "stink eye" and playing
patty cake. She is currently teaching herself to walk and does is quite well. We are sure that she'll be walking continually any time soon. She can say
dada, what that and
oooh (when she drops something). I can't believe that 11 months has come and gone and Kaylee will be ONE come the 29th of this month. We are very excited to celebrate her first birthday with our family and friends.
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