My Nephew, Laupesa, is growing up so fast & I love it! He is currently a two-month-old baby in a six-month-old Samoan body! I love him & my heart melts whenever I see him. I can't wait till I get a chance to explore the path of Motherhood :) It looks exciting and fun and beautiful but I know that looks can be deceiving. I'll take back my last statement and I know that I can wait a while. A couple of more years down the road & maybe I'll give it a chance. I'll check with my husband-to-be and let you know what the verdict will be :)

Student teaching at Hau'ula Elem, 1st grade has been a blessing in my life. I am grateful for every student and every moment I encounter when I enter into the classroom. Next month I'll be able to do my soloing and see how I do in the classroom by myself. I enjoy all the smiles and hugs from every student and my heart melts as students come and give me a hug :) This is the life that I know I'm meant to be doing and I am grateful for the opportunity to be exploring it and loving it for that matter. Whoever said that Teachers are unappreciated are wrong--I feel appreciated everytime I see a student understand the work; when a student doesn't speak out of turn; when a student raises his or her hand; when a student asks a question and when a student says "Thank You"

& then there's this man :) He is the reason I believe in love & in 19 days (and counting) I'll be sealed to him for all time & eternity and what a blessing that would be for me to be with him forever and ever and ever. There is no end! I know that marriage won't be easy but I know that if I ever had to go through a trail or problem with anyone it would be him. He is my strength and my bridge and I would give him my last breath. He is my love, my life & my all.
nice little entry sissay :)
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